Sam 21st May 2021

My Andy was one of the finest. A perfect gentleman with a brilliant enquiring mind, a polymath who was equally interested in maths, physics, cosmology, astronomy, classical music, jazz, fine art and art galleries, yet always modest. He loved sailing, rugby, Formula One and snooker, crosswords, sudoku, puzzles, quizzes, Mastermind and Masterchef. A great family man he was proud of his children and grandchildren. He loved entertaining and was a great host. He had a bucket list of things we wanted to do in the time he had remaining but unfortunately COVID put paid to them. I never heard him say a nasty word about anyone and he never complained once about his illness. He had a twinkle in his eye, and was funny, brave and stoic to the end, and was more worried about leaving me to fight technology alone than with his own illness. He was a star and I was so lucky to have shared my life with him. Xxx Barbi